
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Shark Attack, Casco Bay

If for some reason an awesome animated gif isn't happening here, click on the image and it ought to play.

Another recurring dream I used to have when I was little:  There's a giant shark in Casco Bay and my extended family is all on Peaks Island, but we want to go back to Portland.  When we go down to the ferry landing, we see the Island Romance coming across the harbor, but then the giant shark comes up and chomps it.

There's a big state of emergency and the ferries get shut down.

One lady apparently doesn't watch the news, because she walks down the passenger dock with her baby carriage.  You guessed it, the shark come up and chomps the end of the wharf off, lady with a baby carriage and all.

At this point there's widespread panic on the island and the mainland.  For some reason we can't communicate with the mainland, but there's always a radio playing somewhere that's broadcasting the latest news about the shark.

After a few days, my Uncle Dick, my mom's brother goes marching down to the dock.  He lies down on his stomach  and dangles his arm off the end.  About one second later the shark comes up and chomps onto his arm.

Because this is a dream and things like the changing scale of the shark and the relative frailty of the human body are details that can be cast aside for the sake of moving the narrative along, my uncle stands up with the shark clamped onto his wrist like it's a fish hook.  He holds the shark aloft a la those dorky fishing trip photos that always look like they were taking in 1978 on the float at the lake.  A newspaper photographer is conveniently there and takes his picture.  I always woke up just after I see the front page of the paper with his photo and headline, which I would see spinning to a dramatic presentation like in an old movie.